martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

1986, and the war of the fallen heroes

Ha sido una verdadera lucha para Blessing Lies,
lanzar este disco, que después de una pequeña
larga espera, hoy nos entregan
"The Birth of the Waterfalls"
es el titulo de su primer álbum oficial,
que contiene 13 tracks con un sonido increíble.

1986 no podía faltar! y aun nos falta escuchar
los nuevos sonidos que nos depara El Nacimiento
de la Cascada.

y ahora, para todos los psychopaths que esperaron este post,
de aquel día soleado de invierno,
1986 en el rock en el parque.

psycho! ahora tenemos que iniciar nuestra guerra.

te dió ganas de cantar?.. chapa!

1986 (And the war of the fallen heroes)

Deads the war times has begun
the fallen trees
war of the souls
the bleeding of the martyrs
the lie is in your eyes

Deads of the war
deads of lies
we have no mercy for liars
we have no mercy, lord!

My faith cannot be changed now
where the memories die

Your hands up for the one who fought!
fougth for our freedom!
fought for love!!

The lines of time murder our heroes
the fallen ones

Take my mind!!

Pray for our rotten lies
pray for our fallen martyrs
they get some fuckin pray
we get some fuckin pray

We pray for mercy

Pain pain pain pain

My faith cannot be changed now
where the memories die

1986 and the war of the fallen heroes

The lines of time murder our heroes
the fallen ones my life

We stopped this war remembering the way
we are the heroes

My only way is to fight
why do i have to pray?
our love is gone and now we must commence our war

We must convince our warrior
the times of warriors the times of them, i ll die.

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